+2 342 5446 67Social nick
@vincentluggersShri Abraham graduated with a Bachelor’s & Master’s degrees in Life Sciences from the Madras Christian College. Further studies included the Wildlife Conservation and Management Program with the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C & the Malaysian Department of Wildlife and National Parks followed by a second Masters in Wildlife Management & Conservation Biology in the United States.
In the early eighties, he founded the non-profit Student’s Sea Turtle Conservation Network (SSTCN) which for the past 27 years has been working towards sensitizing people about the environment. Shri Abraham has also worked for Greenpeace India as Director, Public Mobilization & Fund-Raising. He has founded DreamCatcher, an Outdoor Education Company which ran some of the earliest “Outward Bound” style programs in India.
Family Support
Children's Well-being
November 24, 1995 -
Music School of Music Arts -
10 years
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Pellentesque aliquam varius malesuada. Proin id massa vitae eros elementum egestas id sit amet elit. Praesent convallis ligula ac urna rhoncus euismod. Vestibulum maximus luctus magna, in sollicitudin lorem tincidunt id. Nunc aliquam nibh sagittis nibh luctus blandit. Quisque nec dignissim metus. Suspendisse eget turpis ante. Fusce non iaculis sem.