Dr Bindu Mohanty



+2 342 5446 67



Social nick


Dr Mohanty, PhD, is a writer, educator and sustainability consultant based in Auroville, an international and experimental town. As a consultant, she is co-founder of earth&us with experience in the fields of rural development and waste management. Specifically, as a trustee and advisor of the Auroville Village Action Group, she worked in fields of women’s empowerment and socially development, and children’s education in the villages of Auroville. She is currently engaged in waste management programs with the governments of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

As an educator, she has served as senior faculty for an international study-abroad program, taught at European and American universities, facilitated participatory workshops, and helped in curriculum development of college-level courses.

Family Support
Children's Well-being

  • DOB
    November 24, 1995
  • Education
    Music School of Music Arts
  • Experience
    10 years

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